Categorical data analysis Problems dealing with categorical data, including chi-square testing and logistic regression. Make Appointment |
Cathy Zhang Cathy specializes in SEM, regression and honour's thesis analyses. Make Appointment |
Data Visualization Exploring ways of visualizing/graphing data, including R code for generating useful and visually appealing graphics Make Appointment |
Factor Analysis/SEM Problems Dealing with Exploratory Factor Analysis or the Development and Analysis of Structural Equation Models. Make Appointment |
Georges Monette Georges specializes in mixed/hierarchical models and R programming.You will meet through Zoom at https://yorku.zoom.us/my/georgesmonette. Your meeting may also be attended by a consulting intern. Make Appointment |
Honours Thesis Students Statistical consulting for honours thesis students. Make Appointment |
Hugh McCague Hugh is a Statistician at the Institute for Social Research. He has a BMath, a MA in statistics, and a PhD in environmental
studies. Make Appointment |
Item Response Theory Problems Dealing with Item Response Theory and Test Construction more generally. Make Appointment |
Kelly Ramsay Kelly specializes in nonparametric and robust models and R programming.You will meet through Zoom at https://yorku.zoom.us/my/kellyramsay . Your meeting may also be attended by a consulting intern. Make Appointment |
Kevin Dang Kevin Dang is a PhD student in the School of Kinesiology and Health Science. Make Appointment |
Longitudinal data analysis Problems dealing with longitudinal data Make Appointment |
Machine Learning Problems dealing predictive modeling, machine learning, feature selection, and statistical learning. Make Appointment |
Michael Friendly Michael specializes in tests of mean difference, simple and multiple regression, multivariate analysis, graphical methods, as well as programming with SAS and R. Office is now virtual via Zoom. Make Appointment |
Michael Truong Michael Truong is a PhD student in the Quantitative Methods Area of the Department of Psychology. Make Appointment |
Miranda Too Miranda Too is a PhD student in the Social-Personality Area of the Department of Psychology. Make Appointment |
Mixed/Multilevel Models Problems Dealing with Mixed Models (also called Multilevel Models). Make Appointment |
Naomi Martinez Gutierrez Naomi Martinez Gutierrez is a first-year PhD student in the Quantitative Methods Area of the Department of Psychology. Make Appointment |
Questionnaire/Survey Design Questions concerning the development of questionnaires/surveys, as well as the analysis of data generated from questionnaires and surveys. Make Appointment |
R/S-Plus Consulting Problems dealing with the R and S-Plus Software Packages. Make Appointment |
Robert Cribbie Rob Cribbie is an Professor in the Department of Psychology at York University. His research interests include equivalence testing, multiplicity control and robust ANOVA strategies. Make Appointment |
STATA Consulting Problems dealing with the STATA Software Package. Make Appointment |
Stella Park, NVivo consulting Stella Park is able to assist with qualitative analysis using NVivo. Make Appointment |
Stephan Bonfield PhD student in Quantitative Methods with a background in Neuroscience, Kinesiology and Health Sciences Make Appointment |
Survival/Event History Analysis Problems dealing with survival analysis (also called event-history modeling and failure-time modeling). Make Appointment |
Udi Alter Udi is a graduate student in the Quantitative Methods for Psychology Graduate Program. Make Appointment |
Xin Gao Xin Gao is a faculty member in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at York University. Make Appointment |