FORM 1040 Make AppointmentSCHEDULE A,C,D,E etc. |
01/17/2025 11:08 AM | Rene Talbott Not rated | Wilson if this message reaches you if your available will you stop by during my appt. on Friday, Feb., 21, 2025. at 11:30am I would like to shake your hand. Hope to see you soon. |
01/02/2022 7:12 PM | Patricia Grace Positive | No feedback |
05/21/2020 6:31 PM | Tracy Positive | No feedback |
02/27/2020 12:51 AM | Michelle Tharpes Positive | No feedback |
01/03/2012 12:53 PM | Macven Solana Positive | No feedback |
01/03/2012 12:53 PM | Macven Solana Positive | No feedback |
01/03/2012 12:53 PM | Macven Solana Positive | No feedback |
01/03/2012 12:53 PM | Macven Solana Positive | No feedback |
01/03/2012 12:52 PM | Macven Solana Positive | No feedback |
04/03/2011 8:38 PM | Sharon Zelina Positive | I need someone from Jefferson Financial to call me back since I can't find where to send an email. I need to ask an important question re my tax return. My phone number is 323-655-1175 |
01/22/2011 8:50 AM | Joyce Parsons Positive | I was trying to cancel this appointment, but cant find anywhere on the site to do so. If you could cancel it on your end I would appreciate it. Thanks |
01/03/2011 1:26 AM | Claudia Jackson-Tytu Positive | I am on line jan. 3rd 12:28am I am not able to make an appointment. Having trouble navigting the site. |
01/02/2011 2:05 PM | Toi Thompson Positive | No feedback |
01/02/2011 2:04 PM | Toi Thompson Positive | No feedback |
12/31/2008 11:35 AM | Cheryl Evans Positive | I'm a long-time client of Jefferson Financial Svcs, dating back to those days at momma's house. Always good to see the family. Peace and Blessings to you all in 2009. |
05/09/2007 1:50 PM | Kevin-Aurora Stewart Positive | No feedback |
01/23/2006 11:04 AM | Yvonne Smith Positive | Please tell Ms. T hello from a long time customer, actually I really feel like family we go way back in the day when Lewis was working out of his home in Carson. |
12/18/2005 7:14 PM | Toi Thompson Positive | I want to know when can I get to make my appointment online for 2006/ |
11/16/2005 12:37 PM | Toi Thompson Positive | No feedback |