NOTE: ALL CURRENT STUDENTS in a College of Business and Economics Master's Program will need to email Please provide a detailed email of your advising needs, your daytime phone number, and CWID#. An Advisor will get back to you within 48-72 hours with a response to your advising question or to schedule an appointment.
1. Prospective Student Advising Meet with a Graduate Admissions Counselor for general program information and application questions. The scheduled meeting can be online via Zoom, or over the phone.**Please note appointments open only 2-weeks in advance. Check back for more availability. Make Appointment |
2a. Initial Advising Appt (A-K or FEMBA) Online Advising: for newly admitted Masters students only (Last names A-K and FEMBA).
Zoom Link will be sent on the morning of the appointment.
Note: Appointments can only be made 3 weeks in advance. Make Appointment |
2b. Initial Advising Appt (L-Z) Online Advising: for newly admitted Masters students (Last names L-Z only)
Zoom Link will be sent on the morning of the appointment.
Note: Appointments can only be made 3 weeks in advance. Make Appointment |
3a. New Admit Follow Up (A-K or FEMBA) Online Advising: for newly admitted Masters students after Initial Appt (Last names A-K or FEMBA)
Zoom Link will be sent on the morning of the appointment.
Note: Appointments can only be made 3 weeks in advance. Make Appointment |
3b. New Admit Follow Up (L-Z) Online Advising: for newly admitted Masters students after Initial Appt (Last name L-Z only)
Zoom Link will be sent on the morning of the appointment.
Note: Appointments can only be made 3 weeks in advance. Make Appointment |
4a. Current Student Appt (A-K or FEMBA) Online Advising: for Masters students in their second semester or beyond (Last name A-K or FEMBA)
Zoom Link will be sent on the morning of the appointment.
Note: Appointments can only be made 3 weeks in advance. Make Appointment |
4b. Current Student Appt (L-Z) Online Advising: for Masters students in their second semester and beyond (Last names L-Z).
Zoom link will be sent on morning of appointment.
Note: Appointments can only be made 3 weeks in advance. Make Appointment |
5. Admitted/Current Advising - In Person In Person ONLY: for newly admitted or current students who would like an in-person meeting.
Prospective student appointments will be cancelled. Make Appointment |
9a. Tutoring by Betsy - Tutor 1 Writing, etc. tutor for CBE graduate students enrolled in BUAD 501a *or* any CBE graduate courses. Check tutor's calendar for open times, and please provide course name. Betsy's Tutoring hours are: Tues and Thurs 4pm-7pm | Location: Zoom Tutoring Make Appointment |
12/03/2022 1:03 AM | Andrew Troncoso Negative | No feedback |
10/06/2022 9:35 AM | Tevin Vu Negative | No feedback |
06/18/2018 4:30 PM | Jingyu He Positive | No feedback |
06/15/2018 1:18 PM | Jingyu He Positive | No feedback |
CBE Graduate Programs is short-staffed and will be using email to manage the needs of our Master's Students. We thank you for your patience and support during this time.